Boyce-Holland Spay

The Boyce-Holland spay for dogs or cats is an innovative, minimally invasive technique which utilizes a surgical wound of only 1/2 inch long. There are no external sutures to be removed, and there are no special wound-care instructions. In some cases, minor swelling, redness or a slight discharge may be noted, which may be simply treated with a triple antibiotic ointment. Recovery time is minimal, and there are usually no complications; however we will gladly attend to any which may arise, free of charge.


Spay Benefits for Dogs:

A. Eliminates unwanted heats and protects the female from male dogs

B. Reduces the risk of mammary, ovarian and uterine cancers

C. Prevents uterine infections and jammed-up puppies

D. Eliminates the messy discharge and odor associated with estrus

E. Helps control the pet population


Spay Benefits for Cats:

A. Eliminates unwanted heats and annoying behavior

B. Reduces the risk of mammary, ovarian and uterine cancers

C. Helps control the pet population


Click on the link below to see an article about the Boyce-Holland Spay at